<=  Tzones  

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Sailor Logbook App (7.7)

Purpose of chapter: to introduce TzoneGraphs, that visually presents Track zone usage.

Local TOC

Openers and content

Ref Opener Tapping Back button *)
- Tzones   TG   button   < Tzones  

*) A Track zone suffix is appended, e.g.   < Tzones z0  

Its content is based on what has been tracked, i.e. what's saved in History.


This page shows usage of the nine physical Tzones z0-z8 in History.

The page top: gives total number of rows and timerange from oldest departure time till newest arrival time (ignoring all filters). Exactly as page top for the 'virtual' Tzone (z9) in the Tzones page - compare with Initial screen example, History mainpage is opener.

The page middle: has a switchable Volume and Timeline Subview.

The page bottom: shows distribution of total number of rows into number of tracks (blue background) and number of notes (red background).

Initial screen example, Volume Subview

TzoneGraphs - Initial screen example

Displays a barchart with a bar for each of the nine physical Tzones (z0-z8), based on simple tallying.

Empty zones appear as 'flat bar' - like an underscore.

Otherwise a bar represents:

A tap on the page switches to:

Initial screen example, Timeline Subview

TzoneGraphs - Initial screen example

Displays a timelime chart with a set of lines for all physical Tzones z0-z8:

Empty zones appear as the white dotted line only.

Otherwise both a blue and a red line may appear.

A very short timerange is represented by a dot instead of a line.

A timeline doesn't reveal distribution or number of individual items in a Tzone. I.e. two items with large temporal separation results in a long timeline.

Other actions are revealed when tapping the (always enabled) navigation bar button   ?   to open the:

TzoneGraphs Options Menu

TzoneGraphs Options Menu

Tapping its   Helps ->   action opens the TzoneGraphs Help pages.

Sailor Logbook App manual - © Copyright 2018 CoaSoft LLC Denmark

<=  Tzones  

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Sailor Logbook App (7.7)