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Sailor Logbook App (7.7)
Word list and topics

Purpose of chapter: to list - in alphabetical order - a number of items, concepts and topics.

Auto-correction (Spell checking)

Follows the System Settings App:

General -> Keyboards

Autogenerated event

A special User event with the Text-note Autogen.event created by the:

*) Before such an event can be created, the GPS hardware is requested to fetch a location (a plot), which requires the user to move slightly, announced with a Waiting for you to move ... message. This also applies to standard user events created by the Track mainpage 'New event' button.

Another autogenerated event type is a User event with Text-note starting with Weatherfetch ..., created when Using Weatherfetch. Like above, the GPS must fetch a location for the event to attach to. So again, motion is needed!

Callout popup

A small 'acessory view' popping up on maps when tapping a pin, giving some information and containing a Disclosure button.

Callout popup example


A construct enabling copy, clip and paste of various items. The App has these clipboard:

Abbreviated name Used by And used by
Photo Clb Photo Blowup
Voice Clb Voice Photo
External Clb Photo Template

At every App start, the clipboards are empty.


A person participating in a cruise. Identified by a name.


A travel at sea from one place to another. A cruise is similar to a Track.

Current Track

The track currently being tracked, whether started as a new track or continued by resuming a historic track.


A message that shows up to ask the user to select one of more actions.


A record of observations and/or doings (changes in sails and engine conditions). There are several kinds, differentiated by colors of their Map pin and Eventlist heading:

Disclosure button

A button looking like a small circle enclosing an 'i' like:   i  . Placed rightmost in table cells and map pin Callout popup. Reveals an action menu operating at single item level.

Event attributes

Characteristics regarding changes in sails and engine as well as observations on wind, sea and weather conditions - and other. Ten attributes are implemented, ordered in five sets.

Applies to both user events and system events.

Events in Eventlist

Are listed as blocks with colored heading, using the same color scheme as in Map. Each has a Disclosure button that opens the Event editor when tapped. The Eventlist also enables swipe to delete - however, same rule as in the Map applies:

Events in Map

Are shown as colored pins, which - when tapped - open Callout popup's with event details. The popups also have a Disclosure button that opens an Action on Event menu (Map version) with:

Deleting orange and yellow pins removes them from the map, though their plots are kept (becomes hidden plots). Other pins (green and red) cannot be deleted.

Events in Eventlist

Are listed as blocks with colored heading, using the same color scheme as in Map. Each has a Disclosure button that opens the Event editor when tapped. The Eventlist also enables swipe to delete - however, same rule as in the Map applies:

Events in Report (style simple)

Are listed as in the Eventlist. However, events cannot be accessed from Report.

Event attributes

Characteristics regarding changes in sails and engine as well as observations on wind, sea and weather conditions - and other. Ten attributes are implemented, ordered in five sets.

Applies to both user events and system events.

First and last plot event

The purpose of the first plot event is to automatically capture sail setting and engine running start conditions, as defined with the TrackSet: Sails at start Picker and TrackSet: Engine at start Picker. These conditions are the starting point for Sails time and Engine time calculations.

The term Sails time covers the time sails were hoisted - not the sailing time.

To fix a wrong Sails and engine setting, find the first plot event and use Event editor.

The first event may also be used to register weather etc. at departure.

The last plot event (doesn't apply to Notes) is created when a Track is ended, and constitutes an optional place to register weather etc. after arrival. But since such registrations have no temporal extent, they have no weight in statistics.

Both can be edited, but neither can be deleted.

If a User event occurs just before tracking ends, the Text-note from that event remains, i.e. it's not replaced by a Last plot text - yet it's still 'a last plot' in the capacity of actually being the last.


A user defined geographic rectangle filtering outputs from the History mainpage.

Keyboard appearance and disappearance

When a textfield is tapped, the keyboard appears automatically - the Comments textfield is temporarily reduced to make space for the keyboard. Tapping anywhere outside a textfield makes the keyboard disappear.

See TrackSet: Push Comments field on edit Switch.

Long-press gesture

The act of holding a finger down for 0.5 second on a screen.

In this App, a long-press has special function in:


Short for 'manual track'. Also designation of the Track mainpage   ManTrack   button that opens the ManTrack page.

Nautical units

Sailors measure distances in Nautical Miles and speed in Knots (Nautical Miles / Hour). These units are the default, but can be switched to terrestrial units, i.e. Metric or Imperial measurement.

One Nautical Mile equals 40000 / (360 * 60) ~ 1.85 Kilometer.

New Track

A track that is started and becomes the current track.


A construct enabling use of the logbook in between cruises. For example to:


An interface element with multiple choises, where one option is selected.


A location on the surface of the earth (latitude and longitude) fetched by the GPS, supplied with a timestamp and saved in the App. There are two kinds:

Both kinds are points for drawing track sections on maps.


A message that shows up to inform on an action or condition. Requires user interaction, usually a tap on a OK or a Cancel button.

Regional settings

The System Settings App:

Language & Region -> iPhone Language and Language & Region

determine layout of the datepickers, spell checking and time format.

Resumed Track

A track that has been continued from an already ended track. Applies to the newest (ended) track only.


Areas on a page that - when tapped - directly invokes actions as an alternative to invoking them via menus. For an example, see Other cell shortcuts.

System event

An event made automatically when starting and ending a tracking activity.


The time interval between two time specifications, a time from and a time till. A timerange can include all recorded and exported tracks, but not more - i.e. a track being tracked cannot be included.

Timeranges are specified with The datepickers.

Toast message

A short message that flashes to inform on an action or condition. Requires no user interaction.

Up to 5 messages can be shown simultaneously:

The lifetime of Toast messages are managed by Settings mainpage: Toast msg life Picker.

Example for Map:

Toast message example

Example for Crew+Boardings subpg.:

Toast message example


Is a collection of plots, ordered by time, extending from start (departure time) to end (arrival time). Tracks have different Track states.

Track section

The straight line connecting two adjacent plots.

Track zone (Tzone)

A construct to group tracks - and notes - into distinct activities or types.

Managed with Tzones page.

Track zone templates (Tzone templates)

A construct supporting Track zones

Maintained with Tzones page.

User event

An event triggered by your registration of a text-note and / or a number of attributes, attached to a plot when the event is made.

Whole Tracks

See Whole tracks and track sections.


An additional User event placeable anywhafre on ended tracks.

See Using XtraEvents.

Sailor Logbook App manual - © Copyright 2018 CoaSoft LLC Denmark

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Sailor Logbook App (7.7)
Word list and topics