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Sailor Logbook App (7.7)
File+Subscr mainpage

Purpose of chapter: to introduce File+Subscr mainpage, that constitutes a junction for File related functions.

Local TOC


This mainpage is a launchpad to its three subpages:

Elements of the File+Subscr mainpage

Tapping the File+Subscr icon in the tab bar opens:

File+Subscr mainpage


The (always enabled) navigation bar button   ?   opens the:

File+Subscr Options Menu

File+Subscr Options Menu

Tapping its   Helps ->   action opens the File+Subscr mainpage Help pages.

The 'Reset App database' action

Starts with a dialog:

The Reset App database action

- which - after the checkbox has been checked - is followed by:

The Reset App database action

- and if you proceed with the 'Yes' action, you must be confirm again:

The Reset App database action

After confirmation a message box pops up:

The Reset App database action

The Files App

To access Backup files (and other files), use the standard Apple Files App (installed by default). After opening it from the Home screen and tapping the Browse icon, it could display as:

The Files App

To access the iCloud Drive, you may have to sign in to iCloud first.

Tapping   On My iPhone   opens:

The Files App

If the App is deleted, the Sailor Logbook folder and its items are deleted as well. So if you want to delete the App but preserve item(s) in its folder, you must copy them to another place before deletion.

Further tapping the Sailor Logbook icon shows:

The Files App

Above, names of the Backup files seen in the Import to a primary device example appear.

Like all Sailor Logbook files, they have a prefix of slb_, followed by a timestamp in the form yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, terminated by a suffix .db (for DataBase).

Some actions are activated from a menu that opens by tapping the upper right icon:

The Files App

A tap on the slb_readme icon reveals:

The Files App

Sailor Logbook App manual - © Copyright 2018 CoaSoft LLC Denmark

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Sailor Logbook App (7.7)
File+Subscr mainpage