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Sailor Logbook App (7.7)

Purpose of chapter: to introduce Shoot, that uses a built-in custom Camera to take photos when tracking, localizing them in the Map via yellow eventpins.

Local TOC

Openers and content

Ref Opener Tapping Back button *)
- Track mainpage when running   Shoot     < Track  

*) A Track zone suffix is appended, e.g.   < Track z0  

Its content is a live image of what the back camera sees.


'Shoot' is a built-in Camera with limited functionality, compared to the standard iOS Camera App: it has no filters, no front camera button etc.

But Shoot gives a direct way to capture photos and localize them in relation to a track - as a simple alternative to using the iOS Camera App and then picking photos from the Cameraroll, applying procedures as described in Connecting photos.

The Track mainpage button   Shoot   localizes photos while tracking (giving yellow eventpins in the Map page), and is a companion to the Photo Options Menu action: Add from Cameraroll action.

Check of camera existance

Should the App fail in identifying a camera, this pops up on open:

Shoot, Check of camera existance

Check of Camera access

The very first time the Shoot subpage is opened after installation or update of the App, allowance to access the Camera is requested:

Shoot, Check of Camera access

Tap   OK   to open the Initial screen - otherwise, the next time Shoot subpage is opened you'll see:

No Camera access

Shoot, No Camera access

When this has been sorted out, and the App has been restarted, Shoot opens like:

Initial screen

Shoot, Initial screen

The (always enabled) navigation bar button   ?   opens the:

Shoot Options Menu

Shoot Options Menu

Tapping its   Helps ->   action opens the Shoot Help pages.

Shoot Options Menu action: DS factor ->

Use this action to open a picker window:

Downsampling factor picker

Similar to Photo Options Menu action: DS factor ->.

Tapping the   ?   nav.bar button opens the Shoot: DS factor Picker.

Shot preview page

Opens by tapping the big round trigger button in the Initial screen:

Shot preview page

Note: there is no   ?   button in the navigation bar: as an exception, the Shot page has no help!

A tap on   Done   results in:

Shot page waiting after 'Done'

Shot page waiting after Done

Waiting doesn't apply to taking photos with   Shoot   when making notes: such photos are simply attached (added) to notes without requiring Metadata (creation date & coordinates).

- and when you have moved slightly to trig the GPS to fetch a location:

*) Depending on checkbox setting - see Checkboxes help screen.

Saving to Cameraroll also

When this checkbox is marked:

Saving to Cameraroll also

- then (unless you already did authorize in First time use of a 'connect' Add Strategy), when you tap   Done   in the Shot preview the very first time, you must authorize:

Saving to Cameraroll also

- and after tapping   Continue   an iOS allowance settings dialog opens:

Saving to Cameraroll also

After completing your authorization, the Shot page reappears.

Should you have chosen the Don't Allow option, then   Done   will show:

Saving to Cameraroll also

Example on result of using Shot

After ending the track for which the photo above was shot, opening the Photo subpage from the Tracklist displays:

Example on result of using Shot

Tapping its big yellow MM mark opens The MetaMap:

Example on result of using Shot

- and tapping its big blue #E:1 mark opens The Info on Photo:

Example on result of using Shot

This example is meager. However, results comparable with this other Example is fully attainable, in a more direct way.

Sailor Logbook App manual - © Copyright 2018 CoaSoft LLC Denmark

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Sailor Logbook App (7.7)