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Sailor Logbook App (7.7)
Mixing photo & voice

Purpose of chapter: to describe how to link voices to photos

Local TOC


Whether tracking (i.e. using The Track mainpage and its subpages) or not (i.e. using the History mainpage and its subpages), you can inspect, add, modify and delete:

Each of these two entities can be perceived and used independantly. But in addition, the App has functions to create a link to voice in one or more photo.

This can be illustrated with the entity-relationship diagram below (arrows represent one-to-many relationship):

               !               !
               !     Track     !
               !               !
                 !          !
                 v          v
   +---------------+       +---------------+
   !               !       !               !
   !     Photo     ! <---- !     Voice     !
   !               !       !               !
   +---------------+       +---------------+

Throughout the manual, unless otherwise stated, the term track also covers note.

Read the diagram like:

The optional link to voice in a photo may reference any voice - whether attached to the same or another track as the photo. Conceptually, it goes opposite the '<---- ' arrow above,

These rules apply when deleting:

These rules apply when updating titles:

Say you took a snapshot of a whale swimming by. In retrospective you want to comment the dramatic moment. So first you do an 'Add from Cameraroll' and a recording in 'Dictaphone'. Then proceed as follows:

Copy to the Voice Clb

if you just did a voice recording, this is done implicitly (see Dictaphone general Help screen). Otherwise:

Paste from the Voice Clb


To illustrate how to combine photos and voices, imagine this sequence:

Creating basic data

Using The Track mainpage and History mainpage with their subpages, these are created:

Whereafter the Tracklist displays as:

Mixing photo & voice, example

The list shows the additions of photos and voices to tracks (also see Other cell shortcuts). However, links are not / will not be revealed in the list.

Linking voices to photos

Next, imagine linking conceptually like:

After this, the Photo subpage displays as:

Mixing photo & voice, example

The big blue V should be a big blue VO here and in other not quite up-to-date screenshots.

Notice the big blue VO next to the titles: it constitutes a shortcut for Voice actions Submenu action: Play.

Above, the VO in the first (or third) cell is tapped, making two cells play - because the same voice (T1-VoiceX) was linked to photos in those cells. That isn't considered a 'duplicate' situation, since the photos attach to different tracks.

The Voice subpage display as:

Mixing photo & voice, example

Notice the big blue #P:X next to some of the titles: it indicates that 'X' photos links to the voice held in the cell. It acts as shortcut for the Action on Voice Menu action: Info action.

Photo info on voice

The Action on Photo Menu action: Info gives info on linked voice, if any.

For the four photos above, this info pops up for the first:

Photo info on voice

- and for the second:

Photo info on voice

- and for the third:

Photo info on voice

- and for the last:

Photo info on voice

Voice info on photos

On the opposite side, the Action on Voice Menu action: Info gives info on to which photos a voice is linked, if any.

For the three voices above with the big blue #P:X indication, this info pops up for the first:

Voice info on photos

- and for the second:

Voice info on photos

- and for the last:

Voice info on photos

Considerations of using Shoot and Dictate

The two buttons:

seen at The Track mainpage bottom:

Considerations of using Shoot and Dictate

- are meant for localizing photos and voices while tracking, giving yellow eventpins in the Map page.

If you want to combine a localized photo and a voice, i.e. linking a photo to a voice, use the Dictaphone in direct mode - autolinking feature - provided less than 60 seconds have elapsed since the photo was shot and Dictaphone was opened.

Autolinking only applies to make a TRACK (and resume last TRACK) - see START a tracking activity.

Example: a photo has just been shot, and after the Shoot page returns, the lower part of Track mainpage displays:

Combining a photo and a voice using autolink

- and if   Dictate   is tapped before the countdown timer expires, the Dictaphone opens like:

Combining a photo and a voice using autolink

Checkout Track mainpage: 'Make a track' running Help.

Combining a photo and a voice linking manual

Else, if more than 60 seconds has eleapsed, don't use the   Dictate   button; instead follow these steps after a photo has been taken with the   Shoot   button:

Separate photos and voices

If you want to have separate photos and voices, use the respective buttons ad libitum - provided more than 60 seconds elapsed between thir use (i.e. no countdown is seen).

Checkout Linking to voice Help.

Sailor Logbook App manual - © Copyright 2018 CoaSoft LLC Denmark

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Sailor Logbook App (7.7)
Mixing photo & voice