<=  ManTrack  

  Mailcomposer  =>

Sailor Logbook App (7.7)

Purpose of chapter: to introduce ManTimes, that enables and validates specification of times (date + clock) needed to create a ManTrack Track or a ManTrack Note.

Local TOC

Openers and content

Ref Opener Tapping Back button *)
- ManTrack page   Create     < ManTrack  

*) A Track zone suffix is appended, e.g.   < ManTrack z0  

Its content is the values of two datepickers in this page.

Initial screen


ManTimes, Initial screen

The pickers are always in Date+clock mode - there is no need for a Date only mode, as year numbers are always shown.

The buttons work as those in The datepickers in the History mainpage.

The (always enabled) navigation bar button   ?   opens the:

ManTimes Options Menu

ManTimes Options Menu

Tapping its   Helps ->   action opens the ManTimes Help pages.

Creating a ManTrack example

Tapping the   Create a ManTrack   button opens a Create a ManTrack? dialog:

ManTimes, Create a ManTrack?

Confirming by tapping   Create   produces a A Track is created message box:

ManTimes, A Track is created

Sailor Logbook App manual - © Copyright 2018 CoaSoft LLC Denmark

<=  ManTrack  

  Mailcomposer  =>

Sailor Logbook App (7.7)