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Sailor Logbook App (7.7)
Special situations

Purpose of chapter: to briefly describe some situations that are not mentioned elsewhere.

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Receipt verification failed

After tapping   OK   in the Start of App Welcome popup, and after a Network Connection is established successfully, unfortunate Receipt verifications will fail with a dialog:

Receipt verification failed

- with this help:

Receipt verification failed

For 'another solution': Contact us via the link at the Frontpage.

Using the   Restore   button is described in Purchase restore sequence.

In a verification failure context, the phrase Purchase restore may be misleading - think Receipt restore instead.

Upon start of the App, you'll hopefully never see this message:

Other App Store related problems

- nor should you see:

Other App Store related problems

In either case, a restart should make the App work as normal.


If the App was interrupted before a tracking activity was ended (e.g. not complying with the rule of Don't press home or swipe upwards!) you will hear an alarm after restart of the App. and a Tracking activity interrupted! message pops up, the content of which depends on what activity type was active:

Interruption of activity 'Make a track'

Interruption of activity Make a track

The last plot will be assigned an event with the text Interrupt plot.

Or the message bottom could be:

Interruption of activity Make a track

Interruption of activity 'Resume last track'

Interruption of activity Resume last track

Also here, the last plot will be assigned an event with the text Interrupt plot.

Interruption of activity 'Anchor'

Interruption of activity Anchor

Interruption of activity 'Make a note'

Interruption of activity Make a note

Convergence of pins on map

On the map, pins are rooted in plot locations. Sometimes more pins may want to occupy the same plot. If so, pins are prioritized by type:

Also color of first and last plot event pins (green / red) is prioritized over color of color of events with connected photo or voice (yellow). See note on the W/ photo or voice option in the MapSet: Show eventpins Picker.

Convergence of an Event pin and the MaxSpeed pin

Imagine that an Event pin and The MaxSpeed pin relate to the same plot - and both types are to be shown. The situation is illlustrated below with a three-part image:

Convergence of an event and MaxSpeed

The upper part shows a normal non-convergence situation - the popup displays maximum speed with prefix Max:

The middle part shows an occational convergence situation - the popup now displays maximum speed with prefix !Max! (red arrow).

The lower part shows the event pin which was obscured - the Show Boat & MaxSpeed pin option has been set OFF. The popup now also has a Disclosure button to the right.

Convergence of an Event pin and a Periodic pin

Now an Event pin and one of MapSet: Show Per. pins Picker relate the to same plot - and both types are to be shown. The situation is illlustrated below with a three-part image:

Convergence of an event and a periodic pin

Again, the upper part shows a normal non-convergence situation - the periodic pin popup displays Each 5 min

And the middle part shows an occational convergence situation - another periodic pin popup displays !Each 5 min! (red arrow).

The lower part shows the event pin which was obscured - the Show periodic pins option has been set OFF. The popup now also has a Disclosure button to the right.

Sailor Logbook App manual - © Copyright 2018 CoaSoft LLC Denmark

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Sailor Logbook App (7.7)
Special situations