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Sailor Logbook App (7.7)

Purpose of chapter: to introduce Subscribe, that manages purchase, restore and logging of subcriptions.

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Learn how to use this page and its dialogs, if you want to:

Full functionality

Starting from Version 7.1 full functionality is available for all users, including non-subscribers.

BUT: non-subscribers must now accept 'nudge dialog' popups at random times requiring input of random numbers.

Titles and lengths of subscriptions

Currently, these products are available:

All subscriptions provide the same services during each period: the restrictions listed above are cancelled.


Below some details on subscription rules and requirements.

Rules as determined by Apple:

Subscription expiry summary

After expiry:

Initial screen

Tapping the   Subscribe   button displays this page just after installation, i.e. before any subscription is bought:


This page has no Options menu.

Most of the page space is occupied by scrollable text informing on the nature of and rules on the Sailor Logbook auto-renewable subscriptions. Tap   Print   for a hard copy.

At the bottom, there are three buttons. They may change state from disabled (dimmed) to enabled (active) after short time. This is caused by communication delay when contacting iTunes Store.

Above, two of these buttons are enabled. This depends on the situation:

The   Buy   button is enabled when:

*) The App attempts to load a list of subscription products at every start. If a connection problem or other error occurs, you will see a Failed to load productlist message, and   Buy   is disabled until a successful attempt has been completed after next start of the App.

The   Restore   button is enabled when Parental control isn't activated.

The   Log   button is enabled when any present or past subscription is present in the App Receipt.

A purchase sequence

Tapping   Buy   opens a Confirmation dialog:

A purchase sequence

- and when you tap Yes, I confirm a next Select purchase dialog opens:

A purchase sequence

Presently, three products with the names shown above exist - these may change over time. After tapping an item, the sequence continues:

Purchase sequence continuation in the Sandbox

The term Sandbox means: in a development environment.

To continue, a confirmation must be given:

A purchase sequence

- and after that you must Sign in with Apple ID to give a final confirmation:

A purchase sequence

If everything goes well, a receipt pops up (can take several seconds or even minutes):

A purchase sequence

- followed by a final success message:

A purchase sequence

Now where an active subscription is registered and logged in the App Receipt, the   Buy   button is disabled (dimmed):

A purchase sequence

A tap on the   Log   button opens the Subscription log:

A purchase sequence

In the Sandbox, subscription timing is condensed, so one month is condensed to 5 minutes. In the real world, duration will be shown as days (e.g. 30 days).

The last entry in the image above is green, meaning the subscription is currently active - which is to be expected when comparing clocks in purchase and expiry dates with the time at the top of the screen.

When the subscription purchased above has expired, the Subscription log displays:

A purchase sequence

At this stage - after expiry - all three buttons are enabled:

A purchase sequence

Purchase sequence continuation in Real Life

Is very similar to the Sandbox simulated sequence, though confirmations are probably done by finger touch or face recognition.

The purchase can be seen and managed in the iTunes Store:

A real purchase sequence

Purchase restore sequence

A tap on the   Restore   button opens the Restore Purchases dialog:

Purchase restore sequence

- and if everything goes well, a success message is received (can take time):

Purchase restore sequence

Using the   Restore   button also has relevancy in a Receipt verification failed situation.

All three buttons are still enabled. A tap on the   Log   button shows no difference from before, so in this context the restore resulted in nothing.

Subscription expiry

In the Sandbox, subscriptions expire automatically after five renewals. In real life, Auto-Renewable subscriptions expire when not renewed - i.e. when cancelled, credit card becomes invalid or similar.

After expiry, Full functionality is revoked from the App, but can be reclaimed by buying a new subscription (of same or other type than the expired).

In the App, expiry has no effect on the data stored on the device (iPhone / iPad).

Transaction errors

Both purchase and restore sequences involve communication with Apple and complex processing there. Therefore some operations are prone to error - for example:

An error example

- or:

An error example

If you run into a similar problem, hopefully you can solve it by restarting the App, or simply by retrying later. Otherwise, Contact us via the link at the Frontpage.

Sailor Logbook App manual - © Copyright 2018 CoaSoft LLC Denmark

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Sailor Logbook App (7.7)